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The cause of spiritual stupidity

I love George. Sometimes, in the middle of something George MacDonald writes, he relates a conversation between himself and the reader.  Below is such a conversation from "The cause of spiritual stupidity" in Unspoken Sermons. It's between George and me.

George: The care that is filling your mind at this moment, or but waiting till you lay this book aside to leap upon you--that need which is no need, is a demon sucking at the spring of your life.

Rishi: 'No; mine is a reasonable care--an unavoidable care, indeed!'

George: 'Is it something you have to do this very moment?'

Rishi: 'No.'

George: 'Then you are allowing it to usurp the place of something that is required of you this moment!'

Rishi: 'There is nothing required of me at this moment.'

George: 'Nay, but there is--the greatest thing that can be required of man.'

Rishi: 'Pray, what is it?'

George: 'Trust in the living God. His will is your life.'

Rishi: 'He may not will I should have what I need!'

George: 'Then you only think you need it. Is it a good thing?'

Rishi: 'Yes, it is a good thing.'

George: 'Then why doubt you shall have it?'

Rishi: 'Because God may choose to have me go without it.'

George: 'Why should he?'

Rishi: 'I cannot tell.'

George: 'Must it not be in order to give you something instead?'

Rishi: 'I want nothing instead.'

George: 'I thought I was talking to a Christian!'

Rishi: 'I can consent to be called nothing else.'

George: 'Do you not, then, know that, when God denies anything a child of his values, it is to give him something he values?'

Rishi: 'But if I do not want it?'

George: 'You are none the less miserable just because you do not have it. Instead of his great possessions the young man was to have the company of Jesus, and treasure in heaven. When God refused to deliver a certain man from a sore evil, concerning which he three times besought him, unaccustomed to be denied, he gave him instead his own graciousness, consoled him in person for his pain.'

Rishi: 'Ah, but that was St. Paul!'

George: 'True; what of that?'

Rishi: 'He was one by himself!'

George: 'God deals with all his children after his own father-nature. No scripture is of private interpretation even for a St. Paul. It sets forth God's way with man. If thou art not willing that God should have his way with thee, then, in the name of God, be miserable--till thy misery drive thee to the arms of the Father.'

Rishi: 'I do trust him in spiritual matters.'

George: 'Everything is an affair of the spirit. If God has a way, then that is the only way. Every little thing in which you would have your own way, has a mission for your redemption; and he will treat you as a naughty child until you take your Father's way for yours.'

Rishi: 'Dangit, George! I don't know whether to kiss you or strangle you!'

Okay, I added that last part.

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Reader Comments (2)

Excellent (even that last part)!

April 7, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterandrea_jennine

For many years I thought the Israelites and the disciples were so stupid for doubting God when they had seen all these incredible things--the parting of the Red Sea, manna from Heaven, miracles. But then I realized I am capable--and culpable!--of the exact same incredible spiritual stupidity. Yes, this is excellent, indeed, and a good reminder.

April 7, 2010 | Unregistered Commenteramy

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